Regulatory Requirements | 04.28.20
CMS Recommendations on Non-Emergent Non-COVID-19 Health Services
By NAMSS Staff
This blog was originally published on NAMSS Insights: A Blog for Medical Services Professionals.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued updated guidance to healthcare providers “on providing essential non-COVID-19 care to patients without symptoms of COVID-19 in regions with low and stable incidence of COVID-19.” This guidance is a part of Phase 1 of the Trump Administration’s Guidelines for Opening Up America Again.
CMS recognizes the need to be flexible and to allow facilities in regions with low and stable COVID-19 incidences to provide non-emergent, non-COVID-19 healthcare to patients who need this care. When states or regions meet Opening Up America’s Gating Criteria for COVID-19 symptoms, cases, and hospital capacity they can begin to enter Phase 1 of the Administration’s Plan.
CMS encourages providers and patients to use virtual-care services, such as telehealth when appropriate, to limit COVID-19 exposure.
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