Regulatory Requirements | 04.16.20
HRSA Temporarily Waives NPDB Query Fees
By NAMSS Staff
This blog was originally published on NAMSS Insights: A Blog for Medical Services Professionals.
Effective immediately, HRSA will waive National Provider Data Bank (NPDB) query fees through May 31, 2020, to help facilities respond to, and prepare for, the COVID-19 emergency. HRSA will host two teleconferences to provide more information about the fee waiver on Thursday, April 16 and Thursday, April 23 — both at 1 p.m. EDT.
This fee waiver is retroactive from March 1, 2020. HRSA will issue query credits to entities that have paid querying fees between March 1, 2020 and April 15, 2020. The
Federal Register will post this official notice on Friday, April 17, 2020.