Leadership | 11.18.24
NAMSS Certification Extensions and Reinstatements
By Michelle Higgins, MBA, CPCS, CPMSM
While we may have the best intentions, there are times when life catches us off guard. Leading up to the NAMSS certification renewal deadline, certificants receive ongoing email reminders for renewal requirements and expectations. Yet still, there may be life events that cause our certification to lapse or that require us to need more time to complete the recertification process. NAMSS certificants work hard for these valuable certifications, and there are resources and options available for those who need assistance in maintaining them.
Certification renewal is due on Dec. 1 of the year of the candidate’s certification cycle. At this time, certificants must have completed the renewal including making the recertification payment and uploading the required continuing education credits (CEs) documentation.
What happens if you miss this deadline? In the event that more time is needed to renew certification, perhaps more time is needed to obtain enough CEs, certificants may avoid certification lapse and the reinstatement fee by requesting an extension to renew certification. Candidates must apply for the extension request in writing by contacting the NAMSS Certification team via email at certification@namss.org. You must have obtained half of the required credits (at least 15 for single certified and 25 for dual certified) to be approved for the six-month extension. Consider this as an option to maintain, rather than lose, the certification that you worked hard to achieve.
Should you receive a notification stating that your certification is no longer valid and that the CPCS® and/or CPMSM® designation may no longer be used, you do have another option. Between Jan. 1 and June 1, a candidate may reinstate their certification by formally requesting reinstatement to the NAMSS Staff, providing documentation of the required CEs, and paying both recertification fee and $150 reinstatement fee. After six months of certification lapse, a candidate must apply as a new candidate, sit for, and pass the current exam(s).
For full instructions on how to complete certification renewal or to request an extension or reinstatement, visit namss.org/certification/recertification. If this applies to you, take action today to retain your certification!
Michelle Higgins is the current director for verified professionals at HealthTrust Workforce Solutions, focusing on allied healthcare professional, vendor and supplier credentialing, and CVO operations. Michelle holds a bachelor’s degree in social sciences and MBA in healthcare management and is an experienced medical staff services professional of over 10 years with history in the hospital setting. Michelle serves as the 2024 NAMSS Ethics Committee Chair and the Certification Commission of NAMSS (CCN) CPCS Test Development Sub-chair.
Michelle Higgins, MBA, CPCS, CPMSM